At nearly two and a quarter years old, Abby still amazes me daily with the new things that she's capable of. She's a kid now, definitely no longer my baby girl. I think she shed the last little bit of that in the months leading up to Olivia being born. She's capable of a great many physical feats (which are ALL awesome), but what amazes me most is the language. I think that there is a feeling that we have, that two-year-olds still don't have many words. That they can't have a conversation. Well. Abby can tell you who all seven of the original members of the Justice League are. Depending on how she feels, she will tell you what she did today. If she went to the pool, or rode on a train, she will tell you about that... Usually for the next two or three days.
The first time I remember this happening was late in the spring. I asked what she wanted for dinner, and in her tiny voice she clearly said, "Happy Meal". Maybe this is a sign that we ate out too much this spring?
When my son's younger daughter (also named Abby, the way!) was about the same age as yours, she suddenly piped up from the backseat of the car with "I've got an idea. How about some ice cream?" Kids constantly amaze...
Abby is defintely an amazing little girl! I was thoroughly impressed when I saw her in May! :)
Love the illustration and enjoy the stories even more. I can't wait to see her little face when I get back home later this year. It bums me out to think she's getting all big and mighty without me being around to witness it! Love you guys and love the blog!
That's the best picture of Abby yet! One of the things I so love about the past year with my 3.5 year old grandson is that we're finally hearing what's been on his mind all this time...and it's plenty! This is just the best time, Jeffrey, and I can tell you know that. You will look back on these years as the most beautiful of your life.
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