Saturday, January 29, 2011

And the Winner is....

First off, I'd like to thank all of you who left a comment. It's nice to know that somebody is actually reading. I've enjoyed making these calendars immensely, learned a lot about myself and my illustration process, and got to try out some new things. I can't wait for next years, and this time I'm going to get it done early enough that the January month will actually be useable, ha-ha-ha! Now, for the contest winner!
I managed to catch my lovely assistant before she headed off to bed. You can see our high-tech randomizing method there in front of her.
It took a try or two for her to get the concept of "pick just one and show it to me"... at least she's an enthusiastic helper, and it did help to further mix up the entries.
Finally, we got a single winner out of the bowl, and the winner is Laura! Congratulations!

Well, that's it for now folks. I have a new logo to show off soon and some new artwork, but the girls have been getting up early (for some reason) lately, and I need to get to bed so I don't fall asleep at church tomorrow. Until next time, take care and be good!

Your friend,


Nance said...

Congratulations, Laura!

The pics of Abby helping out were a sweet consolation prize.

I'd like to be able to give next year's calendar for Christmas, so I'm looking forward to it! Lovely work on this one.

Red Herring Jeff said...

Hi Nance!

I'll endeavor to post more pics of the girls this year... They're the only reason people come to see me in real life, so why should my blog be any different? Ha-ha-ha!

My head is so full of daily life ideas right now... I think this years calendar should easily be able to top last years. And be on time.