I noticed I haven't updated in awhile. Been busy with getting things ready for the baby and Abby's transition to big sister, the holidays, freelance work, and the preparations for going freelance full time. I have a couple of new "Daily Life" episodes in the pipe line, but I'm not really sure when I'm going to have them finished to post. In fact, while I might get one or two in December, I think I'm going to officially take a break until the new year and come back strong with some format changes, all new content, and maybe some other little suprises.
Until then, here's a little preview of the Redherring website redesign that I'm in the middle of. I hope to have it all done to launch the first of the year as well.
Until I talk at you again, Take care and be good!
Your friend,
Loving the site redesign! I remember seeing this when I was home. It's really speaking to your style and I think is going to help sell you on customers. Great work, man.
Ready and waiting for that baby (due date?) and your return to posting.
Hey Ry! It's coming along. I still have just a little bit more to do before I have to just live with what I've got and publish it... then I can start updating and refining from there.
Thanks for stopping in Nance! Baby's due at the end of April. I'll start posting again this week. LOL, I didn't really get as much done over my break as I wanted to, but I think the people who say they did are liars. Ha-ha-ha!
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