At any rate. Last weekend, we cleaned out the basement. That means the storage rooms, the work/utility room, the studio and the family space. It's hard to put into words what all this entailed... But I'm going to give it a quick go, just to give you an idea. When we were finished, there were two bathtubs full of junk to send to goodwill (By that, I mean that stuff was stacked in the bathtub twice as high as the tub was deep). A full truck load of trash (Scrap lumber and metal, old paint and joint compound... boxes... that type of stuff.) We spent roughly twelve man hours sorting, moving, disassembling, sweeping and resetting-up. Going back over it, it seems like a ridiculous amount of work, that could have been avoided if we just hadn't let things pile up so much. Isn't that what everybody says when they clean out the basement?
Back to the point of the post, and the reason (I hope) that people look at this corner of the inter-web. Art. While sifting through old portfolios and boxes of art from high school and early college, I stumbled on these two (ah-hem) gems. I hope you don't hate me for scarring your eyeballs with what a thirteen/fifteen-year-old boy thinks is cool. Ha-ha-ha!
This First one, I'm pretty sure I drew in eighth or ninth grade. Wow. Check out the detailing on the armour. That's some classy stuff... and apparently, he had a lucky rabbits foot surgically grafted to his arm so that he could hold his rubber sword. We all have to start somewhere though, right?

Your friend,
Fun...thanks for sharing your found treasures.
As the old Virginia Slims ad campaign boasted, you've come a long way, baby.
(Do Virgina Slims still exist? If so, please note that it is not my business or desire to promote smoking.)
I think we are so built that we get a thrill from looking back at the archeological evidence of our existence. When my mother died and I was responsible for sorting, I came across a poem I wrote at 14. It was so obviously a shy teenager's poem. Part of me thought it was dreck and part of me found it wonderous: there, EVIDENCE that I lived and wasn't always 62!
Now, tell me you didn't find those drawings just a little wondrous.
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