Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Self Portrait 33

Hey guys!

sooo... finally made it to a third of the way through. It's very difficult to discipline yourself to do this every day, but I guess it's something to continue anyway, and press on till the end. It doesn't always matter that you win the marathon, just that you finish it.

At any rate. Continuing on... I didn't really feel up to starting this, but I did. Then I wasn't happy at all with where it was going, but I continued. I spent more time than I wanted to on this guy, but less time than I needed to. Ha-ha! I would've really liked to have gotten the rendering worked out better.
I hope everything's well with you all. The baby's due today, but still no sign of her coming. Stubborn little girl. Amy's upstairs calling around saying "Where's my baby!? It was supposed to be delivered today!" Ha-ha! What a goof. It'll probably be more like next week. We're really excited, but mostly just waiting for the waiting to be over.

Take care and be good.
Your friend

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